Original topic:

Suggestion For New Feature

(Topic created: 01-04-2023 06:18 AM)
Galaxy S Phones
One thing I noticed as a long-time Samsung user, and a previous Apple user, is that when any user, Apple or Samsung or otherwise, sends a long text message to my Galaxy S22 Ultra, the only option you have to read it is by clicking the "view all" button.

Frankly, it's a bit of a hassle, especially if the user continues to send you long messages. Having to go in, and then back out, and in again, over and over, or even just having to do the work of clicking "view all" once when I should just be able to read them message from my text chat alone (or have the option to toggle "view all" on and off) is something I wish to have again.

Older Samsung Android models and UIs had no such "view all" feature, and you could read a long message freely within the chat room itself.

My suggestion isn't to take away "view all", but to add a feature to enable users to control their chat room experience further. Some of us may want the "view all" feature for Samsung SMS, some of us want to simply watch the message come in, as is, filling up our chat room so we can simply scroll down, the same way old Samsung models offered and how Apple and other phone companies offer today.

My solution? Add "toggle view all" feature within the settings of either general settings, or SMS settings.
12 Replies
Galaxy S Phones
I am using Samsung Messages, as referenced in the original post. The problem I am having is specifically for Samsung Messages.
Galaxy S Phones
Good idea. I too vote for an option to turn it on/off. If adding an option is not an option, please remove the "view all" requirement and just let us read the whole message. Thanks
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S Phones

Thank you voxxian, for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. Adding a toggle view all feature would benefit the user experince using our messaging app.  We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.