Original topic:

Visual Voicemail up in smoke?

(Topic created: yesterday)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

When my wifeā€™s S10e swelled, and after 30 years with Verizon, I opted when getting her a new phone to switch to a much less costly carrier.  She got a Pixel 7a, and Consumer Cellular set her up via eSIM, and I put a CC SIM kit card in my S10e.

Much to my chagrin, she has Visual Voicemail but I donā€™t.  She switched phone mfrs. mainly because this was her second swollen Samsung S10e phone failure;  my S10e is original, no issues, and itā€™s bad enough trying to learn her Pixel and help her adjust, so I kept my S10e.  

On Verizon I had Visual Voicemail, and I really miss it.  Consumer Cellular has been little help, other than to set up VVoicemail on her Pixel.  Apparently the app came from (Google) Pixel, I dunno.  When I try accessing my voicemail app, and try going to Visual options, it cannot do itā€¦ apparently it is still associated with my now defunct Verizon account(s).  I get text messages, I assume from Verizon, saying they donā€™t recognize the code or number.  Iā€™ve tried entering my phone # again, and also the Consumer Cellular # called to retrieve voice mails, but still I have no option available anywhere to use a Visual Voicemail like I had with Verizon.

i have used up hours trying to sort this out, watching videos, checking CC and Samsung sites, and Play Store apps to no avail.  One Consumer Cellular tech said Iā€™d have to use an app off the Play Store that worked with AT&T networks, but I canā€™t decipher one for sure, and AT&T apps seem for their plans only.  Are they dancing around that CCellular canā€™t supply a Visual Voicemail app like others do, and that by leaving Verizon Iā€™ll have to pay for one now?  But my wifeā€™s new Pixel had no issue setting up Visual Voicemail;  so does that mean Google supplied on the phone?  

Is there a Samsung version I can load on my S10e that would solve the problem?  CC told me they ā€œturned VV onā€ at their end for both phones, but there is no VV in my phone app menu.

3 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
I'm on Verizon and I don't have visual voicemail either, I think it's a Samsung thing, I have the S24 Ultra and my voicemail comes and goes, one day I can see my messages and other days I can't retrieve any of my messages.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

Verizon likes to be proprietary.  There are several VVM apps in the play store that you can download and see if one works with your carrier.  Since I understand that CC uses either AT&T or T-Mobile networks, T-Mobile's VVM app may work.

Technically speaking, just like text message readers, VVM apps should be carrier independent, since it's just a shell.  You can also download Phone by Google and replace it as your phone app.  It includes VVM.

Galaxy S Phones
That's a tough one to figure out in the phone settings from the dial pad going from newer versions than the 10 guessing be same should have option for visual voicemail cc uses att and tmobile according to there site it may be a issue with the phone being unlock as you would need to go from Verizon and the software of cc uses vs Verizon I believe the pixel is Newer so would explain the no problems I would get a free app from the store either Google or Samsung and see how it works