Original topic:

Background usage limited not working (all apps on never sleep mode)

(Topic created: a week ago)
Galaxy S21

Hello Everyone,

I have a little problem with my S21 and I hope someone can help me.

For some time, it seems that my phone does not classify my apps in the Sleeping apps section. The phone automatically puts them in the deep sleep or never auto-sleep function, which is annoying. Additionally, all the apps are in restricted mode and not optimized anymore (under the battery option in the app menu). Alternatively, the apps are in the never-sleep section and run all the time in the background. I Dont have the middle ground and optimise option anymore.

I have enabled the adaptive battery mode and am not sure what I can do.

Thank you.

1 Reply
Galaxy S21
Have you tried going to the apps permissions and turn the data usage off for said apps?