Original topic:

Can I Send a Group Message and Be the Only One to Receive Replies?

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S21

Hello! I am using the Samsung Messages app on my Galaxy S21.

I am wondering if I can do what this question thread talks about. The problem is whenever I go into a group chat and I tap the group conversation toggle off, it only stays off while I am viewing that chat. As soon as I back out to see other messages or close the app and go back in, the group conversations toggle is set back to on. I want it to stay off! This happens with both old and brand new conversation.

I need to be able to message a large group of people in a way that they all see they are in a group, but when they respond their message only comes through to me. Either viewable in the group or in our individual chat rooms is fine. Is this something that can be done or am I misunderstanding these settings? Thank you all for any help you can offer. 

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S21
Yes, it's called a mass text. Depending on which message app you are using the setting might be different. In Google messages, click on your initial to bring up the menu. Click on messages settings, scroll down to advanced and tap on group messaging snd select whether you want group chat or individual responses. On Samsung Messages, go to the in app settings, choose more settings, then multimedia messages and turn the slider off. This will turn all your multi recipient convetsations into a mass text, so any group chats you have going will convert to that. I don't know why neither Google nor Samsung made it so you can choose individual chats to be one or the orher. Perhaps it's a carrier limitation.