Original topic:

Reset password and deleting voice recordings from song ringtonrs

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S21
  • I just reset my prassword my they wa it me reset it again

It is only good for 30 mins

And how to get rid of voice messages that are recorded as part of the song songs or tones you can select for a ringtone. It is old messages I sent to my kids.  How to delete them?

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S21
Which password did you reset? Who is asking you to reset it again. Usually when you reset a password, a one-time code is sent which is only good for 30 minutes. When you log in with that one-time code, you are supposed to change your password. If you don't use the code within 30 minutes. you have to request the code again so you can then change your password. OTPs are the only thing that are good for 30 minutes. If you truly changed your password for whichever account you requested to do so, then the password would be good until you change it again.

If you no longer want a ringtone that you added, you can tap the - sign next to it in the ringtone list, or delete it from your ringtone folder through the file manager. If you are asking about only keeping the song as the tone and getting rid of the voice message, you will have to utilize a sound editor to trim it down.