Original topic:

Not receiving messages from certain people

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S22

Need help uncovering how to fix a fairly big text message issue. Sometimes people send messages and I don't receive and opposite I send and they don't receive. This is both regular text and multimedia. Interestingly, this isn't an Android iPhone problem. It occurs with other Samsung owners. Anyone know what might be the root issue and how to solve. Already contacted ATT and no dice. TY!

2 Replies
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22

I would personally recommend telling your contacts to use Google Messages and to enable RCS to avoid this. If there are any service or tower issues (locally) things like this can happen temporarily. 


You can contact customer service for your carrier, and ask them to "reprovision" messaging for your line. Their tech support should understand what you need.  

If my reply has aided your issue please consider liking it. If the problem is solved you may pick it as a solution.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
People at this point Samsung has made it clear that they do not value the customer's opinions and are only in this game for profit. Selling our private information to Google. At this point stop buying Samsung products because if you continue this will never end and I'm pretty sure the next app they're going to force on us will be Google Photos application. Stop buying all of their products until Samsung decides to respect the customer's values and privacy concerns. I just bought iPhones for my family and myself and I decided to stop buying Samsung products indefinitely. FYI Google Keyboard AI automatically sensors are speech.