Original topic:

New update request

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Dear Samsung Management,

I would like to request that you consider providing software updates for older phone models. While I understand that these devices may not support full updates, the introduction of a lighter version could significantly enhance their performance. Furthermore, the development of a new user interface for these models, rather than exclusively focusing on the latest releases, would be greatly beneficial to your existing customer base.

Thank you for your attention to this matter Samsung.
30 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy S22

While this may be a bad example as I am talking about apples, it is still relevant.  I owned the iPhone 3g, and did not upgrade to the 3Gs, or the 4, when the iPhone 4S came out, they forced an upgrade to my device to IOS 4.0.  This caused my phone to slow to a stall.  It literally took over 15 seconds to go from one screen of apps to the next.  Apples solution was to buy the new device.  If Samsung forced an incompatible operating system onto a device, then it would likely have problems just like my 3G did.

If Samsung were to develop "light" versions of their OS, then this would cost them lots of money on the development side, would likely cause issues with Google, who owns the base operating system, and would drive up the cost of new devices, as the old device users would not be a source of income to recuperate these costs.