Original topic:

Can't uninstall Samsung TTS US español Voz 1

(Topic created: 04-26-2024 09:02 PM)
Galaxy S23
I'm very frustrated because recently, there was an update that added Samsung TTS US español Voz 1, which is a translation that I do not use. I'm very frustrated because Samsung keeps on adding things to my phone that take up my precious hard drive space, but do not include the option to uninstall the things that I do not need. So I'm completely unable to remove this from my phone, just like many other things that Samsung has added without the option to uninstall. I've never used the Spanish translation, and I'm never going to use it. It probably works just fine, and there's absolutely nothing wrong other than the fact that I can't delete it. It's very frustrating that this, along with many other things have been added that have absolutely no option for the user to remove it. Please Samsung release an update that changes this very rude and malicious behavior of the files so that I'm able to delete the things that I don't need. Samsung really needs to change how they do things. It's absolutely anti-customer and highly unprofessional that these things are even an issue in the first place. I don't know if Samsung even realizes just how much frustration they cause me and possibly many other customers. Hard drive space is precious and I do not have the money to buy a new phone with more hard drive space every few months. People just do not have that kind of money to waste. Thank you very much and I hope you have a very nice day.
04/26, 11:48 PM
9 Replies
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
You should be able to uninstall
Open the Galaxy store
Search for
Samsung TTS US español Voz 1
Click uninstall

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Galaxy S23
Hello again Gary! 🙂 this is rather unusual but sadly where you showed that it has a button to uninstall, I have only a giant blue bar that goes across the entire bottom that says installed. So there is no uninstall button for me.😰
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
Can you post a screenshot of that page

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Galaxy S23
I'm sorry but there's no option on my phone that lets me do that. Essentially it looks exactly like your image does where the uninstall button is gray and the install button is blue, except I only have the blue installed button, and no gray button. And the blue button that says installed is stretched out and completely covers the entire bottom of the screen where those buttons are in your images. Except I only have a long blue button that says installed. And pressing that button doesn't do anything.
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
I'll see what I can figure out

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Galaxy S23
By the way this is completely unrelated, but that other thread that you replied to with that solution that helped me get my Google speech to text back on the bottom left hand corner, that entire thread appears to not exist anymore. Do you know why my thread would be missing? I was so happy when you came up with a solution that was able to help me, not just because it helped me solve the problem, but I was also happy because the solution now existed that anyone could see and it would help everybody who had the same issue as me. It makes me very sad that when I went to my profile to look for that thread, it appears to completely not exist anymore. Which means that other people will not be able to see the solution that you gave me that was so helpful. I don't know what's going on. 😥
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23
I'm not sure it might have been removed because they are over 50+ posts that I'm answered it could have been merged with another topic also

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Galaxy S23
I like granolabarz do not have an uninstall option on these apps for English voice 1 and US Español Voz 1 which Samsung is forcing on our phones.

I have been a Samsung person for many years but I agree the forced installation of apps that are not uninstallable is getting out of control.

I anxiously await GaryB82's response if he every shows a way to be able to get rid of these apps.
Galaxy S23

Same here, no uninstall option for apps I didn’t install myself and do not use.
