Original topic:

3rd repair - how do I get a replacement?

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S24
I preordered myself a shiny s24U (unlocked from samsung directly). I get the new flagship yearly. Unfortunately, this phone appears to be a lemon. I've had it in for 'repair' twice and now it needs to go back again. 

2 months in : Motherboard and something to do with camera lenses replaced. I asked forba new phone since I didn't want a brand new refurb for the price I'd just paid and they refused. 
2 months later: USB module needed replaced.
2 months later (now): Camera needs replaced because the zoom is glitching (camera is my reason for getting the phone as I make videos at work)

When i called, I was passed between 4 or 5 robots each pretending to put me through to a human but just bouncing me back, so I used their online chat. I requested a supervisor who just said 'there's no option for replacement'. I also asked where I could file a complaint and was told 'we don't do that'. He told me he was the only supervisor and there was nobody higher up. 

I've been so loyal to Samsung. I currently own 23 and 24 ultras, watch 5&6, multiple tvs, tablet, book pro 360, book3 pro 360 and whatever else I've gathered over the years. I've stood by samsung because I always thought they would be a good option if there was ever an issue with something. 

I get it. Some phones are lemons - but to refuse to replace this with cause for a 3rd repair in a matter of months is absurd. It feel like a slap in the face for my brand loyalty and I have a bitter taste from it. I'm taking time off work to visit repair stores, being without my phone for days at a time when I need it daily. Surely there's a point where they say the phones a dud?

Does anyone know how to get to speak to someone who is non-scripted who may be able to assist? It's simply unfair to expect a $1500 phone to go in for repair 3 times so soon. And to expect I'm OK, going without it and taking time from work to deal with it. 

Thanks for any suggestions you may have!
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