Original topic:

Can't upload pictures adjusted with Photoshop to Instagram - un altered photos can post

(Topic created: Wednesday)
Galaxy S24

UGH,   I just upgraded to the Galaxy S24 Ultra and am sorry I did so. The auto optimization is terrible but at least I found a way to turn that off. The picture quality is no where near as good as my Ultra 22.

I post a lot of pictures to Instagram - or at least I WAS able to. Now with the Ultra 24 there is some weird glitch that prevents any photo that was adjusted with photoshop (I have the app on my phone) from being posted. I get an error message that says "Photo can't be posted". I can post this same photo if I send it from my laptop computer OR if I post the unaltered photo  - as shot - from the phone. The original photo quality on the Ultra 24 is terrible. Pictures seem washed out and the color is not accurate. Ultra 22 was superb image quality. This is a totally unacceptable problem for a phone this expensive. The auto image optimization is another story all together and should be ELIMINATED in a software update. It literally RUINS your photo. Hoping Samsung gets the message and does something to correct this or I am going to switch to another brand. Has anyone got any suggestions on how to post to Instagram with edited photos on this piece of JUNK?



1 Reply
Galaxy S24

High! I would suggest downloading the Lightroom images to your Gallery and then uploading the photos to Instagram from there. I hope that helps!