Original topic:

Help disabling photo facial recognition analysis

(Topic created: 09-02-2024 08:52 AM)
Galaxy S24
Request: Aside from not having a smartphone, how do I disable all facial recognition capabilities in my phone, especially photos, without turning on Customization Service? I would sincerely appreciate any and all help in this effort. 

I sincerely hate that my phone is looking through my photos and grouping them by the contents of the photo. One example is the Story it has automatically created for "People you often photograph", which contains only pictures of my husband; this is beyond creepy and needs to stop. 

Provides no benefit:
The thing that makes me angriest about this photo analysis I never asked it to do is it's *useless*! If I search "dog" in my photos it produces 0 results but it has created multiple Stories featuring my dog with the word "dog" or "puppy" in the story's title; it clearly knows what a dog is and which pictures have a dog in them, but then provides no results for that search term. Infuriating. 
So, not only is this photo analysis it's performing highly invasive, it's also completely useless. At least my s20 produced results when I searched things like that, so I suppose I let the invasion of my privacy slide since I derived some benefit from it, but now this is just invasive for no reason.

What's the point in analyzing all our photos if it's not being done for the benefit of the user??šŸ¤·ā€:female_sign:šŸ¤¦ā€:female_sign:šŸ™…ā€:female_sign:

I do not want to turn on Customization Service and consent to even more invasive permissions for this company (that is already making wildly liberal use of all our data) just so I can *maybe* get it to stop analyzing all my photos, though I think it's more likely that I just won't be able to tell that it's still analyzing them.

Apologies for the rant, but... c'mon, you *must* agree this is ridiculous. 

Again, I would sincerely appreciate any and all help with this problem.
Thanks in advance,
2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

I understand you can turn off the AI features in the phone settings. I don't know if you can turn the features off selectively or once you turn them off they are turned off for everything.

Red Giant
Galaxy S24
I enjoy the feature allowing me to provide names for the folks in my pictures on the phone and the phone, then can find pictures of whoever I'm looking for. How is this invasive?