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Regret purchasing the S24 Ultra

(Topic created: 08-24-2024 04:26 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Bought a S24 Ultra two months ago and this is going down as the worst phone, and even the worst piece of tech/electronics I've ever purchased. I regret my decision and shouldn't've spent so much time trying to fix things or figure things out, because now I'm stuck with the phone.

The fingerprint sensor doesn't work 1/3 of the time with clean bare hands, and doesn't work at all when wearing exam gloves (the clear vinyl kind), despite several cheaper phones working reliably across both. Call support for help and... apparently it works fine if you turn off Bluetooth? What the heck? I can't do that at work, so this isn't a viable solution, but like... why would that even matter? A cheap $200 phone has been able to do this fine but a $1300 one can't?
The facial recognition is terrible. Legitimately worse than a 2017 early adopter of the method could do. Maybe gets my face right 5% of the time. Completely useless. A cheap $200 phone could do it reliably, even when I had to start masking up for work all the time. But heavens forbid a $1300 phone be able to.
The Bluetooth quality is absolutely a joke. Devices no more than two feet away regularly cut out. It can't disconnect from a device literally miles away on its own, and I have to manually tell it to. And it can't connect to important devices around the house like my smart locks or even one of my cars audio system, even though plenty of other devices can no problem.
For whatever reason, biometrics was programmed on this phone to only try for the fingerprint unless you press a button to switch to face... what's even the point? I can just press the fingerprint scanner. None of my previous phones did this. It's obtuse and makes a major feature pointless... not that it works anyways, but still.
Volume regularly tries to outsmart me, rather than just letting me do my thing. Previous phoned would save volume across different devices, or stay with whatever the current volume is. Either is fine. This phone does neither, and seemingly just makes up it's own volume choice. I didn't think this was the case at first, but took some time a few weeks back to disconnect and reconnect to the same speaker several times only for the phone to have different volumes each time. What crack head designed this?
Gestures collide in some awful ways, like opening up your card wallet, switching apps, and opening your AI assistant are all basically upswipes from the bottom, but slightly different spots. I can't get the one I want half the time, and routinely fumble around when trying to do something.
Location services with this phone can be... insane... often claiming I'm in an entire different country. No GPS connected device I've used has ever been like this. It's not even like I'm near the border or something... it will claim I'm a 7 hour drive away, well over 250 miles, from where I am.
The security system just decides it's changed when I changed nothing, and I have to go into every single secure app I use and re-enable biometric login. This is roughly every other week. Never seen anything like this with any prior device. Here's the best part though... not all apps do this each time, and it's not the same one each time. I just get a random lottery for "hey you need to reconfigure this app" every so often.
The keyboard tries to outsmart my password manager, and very often I can see the password manager prompt show up, only to immediately disappear and return to the default buttons. This doesn't happen at all on other phones or with other keyboards. However, other keyboards don't respond that well on this phone, despite working fine on other phones.
Certain things behave drastically different on this phone than others. I understand this is subjective, but let me make my point. I use an accessibility app, Live Transcribe, a lot at work. I see many deaf patients, not all of them regularly wear their hearing aids. Some don't think they're even deaf. We often need to write things down. Live Transcribe is great for this. Only on this phone, it's installed but hidden. An accessibility app is... hidden... what the heck? I go into app settings where you can hide apps and look... Live Transcribe is nowhere to be found. Turns out, there's an entirely different way to unhide the app. Why? Why would you ever do that? On three other phones I've had you install it and it shows up on the app drawer like normal. Samsung support couldn't even help me do that, I got help with that from my carrier. Why does the carrier know the phones better than the company who makes them?
I live in a rural area and the obtrusive notifications that let me know I'm now roaming, or similar, become infuriating. They don't go away until you press Cancel. They constantly interrupt whatever I'm doing. I can easily get four to five of these every single minute. And I can't figure out how to make them stop. I don't care if I'm roaming. I pay for unlimited roaming so I don't need to care. I don't care if I have no cell service. I've always just seen the symbol in the upper right change to reflect the status. I don't need a pop-up to interrupt me. I don't want it. And I especially don't care about repeatedly being told I don't have a cell connection when I'm on WiFi trying to watch a video. Stop it.
I have more but like... oh my god this phone is so bad. I hate that I bought this. I hate that I'm stuck with it. This is horrible. I feel like I was sold a massively inferior product through deceptive marketing.
36 Replies
Galaxy S24
1) Sometimes the fingerprint sensor sucks most of the time.

2) Because it'd just a small camera hole. Which can decrease the identity verification

3) Your earbuds. And SOME companies aren't available through SMARTTHINGS

4) It can be disabled through settings

5) I'm not sure what the issue is. Could be volume limiting or the Bluetooth quality for the speaker.

6) Samsung pay: disabled in the samsung wallet app.
Switching apps: nothing
Assistant: nothing
If it really annoys you. Then switch to button gesture.

7)Thats just how Google maps is. Not everything can be that accurate.

8)App issue

9)Because it was inactive. It can bug sometimes but people don't really care tbh.

10)It's not hidden. There's a setting button for accessibility (I don't know how sped you are to try to find it I mean, it's very obvious where it is) and you can deep sleep the app through device care.

11) Might be carrier (Metro would never do that to me)

12) Thats alot of yapping both me and you did.

I'm not going to edit this post bc it's very long. So if I made word mistake, go figure it out
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Most of that doesn't explain why a $1300 phone has issues a $200 phone didn't, nor 3 other recent phones.

The rest of that makes assumptions that were just wrong, instead of asking questions.
Galaxy S24
I'm just an ordinary person trying to help. Not a tech supporter šŸ™‚
Galaxy S24

Sometimes the problem with new tech is that it's too demanding on old tech. I've got plenty of new devices that won't work with old devices simply because of incompatible software. My phones have not been able to connect to my car's blutooth for over 5 years (2015 Nissan). My 10 year old Galaxy Tab has no problems connecting to my car or my OLD Beats, but it's got the processing power of a 10 year old potato, and the audio quality is pretty bad if I'm being honest...

Precision requires a lot of data, and if that data cannot be acquired, you get errors. A lot of what you're complaining about sounds like issues beyond the device and more with the way the software is being used. For example, when my bank apps update, I always have to reset my biometrics - it's a safety thing the app does, nothing to do with the phone. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Most of that makes sense. Unfortunately it seems like most tech in general is getting finicky. Like the early days of computer building levels of finicky.

I never had the app update resetting biometrics issue on prior devices. I'm not even entirely sure that's it, either. I get a notification saying the biometrics themselves have changed. I have seen that exact message on a prior device, but it was when I actually did change them by adding other fingerprints. This phone does that randomly.
Galaxy S24

That is absolutely, NOT how Google Maps is. Issues are generally minor in maps. On the Ultra S24 however, it's a joke at best, and potentially a fatal flaw as it is. Read up on it, if you care to.

Galaxy S24
Yea no I ain't reading it all over again. Too much talking
Galaxy S24
Your phone is 2 months old, why can't you contact Samsung or bring it to an authorized repair center? It should be under warranty.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I did. And the nearest repair center is 8 hours away.