Original topic:

Upgraded, Can't remember Samsung Pass Password

(Topic created: 05-06-2024 07:58 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I got a new S24 and I need to finish transferring from my S20 but I cannot remember my main password for my Google/Android/samsung pass. I am unsure what to do besides call Samsung. Any ideas before I do so?
6 Replies
Galaxy S24
I just went through the same thing. Took me a month to finally figure out to sign in with your Google account, and then you can reset your password.
Galaxy S24
It's easier to reset your Google account password to get into your samsung account
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
The problem I have is that I've had the original email for all my past androids for years. That gmail is full storage and there's just no way to delete enough emails to get a password change email through. It'd be really cool if gmail / google wouldn't be such sticklers for money like they need any extra, and would allow emails such as important as a password change email to come through at least. So I'm stuck with not being able to change my password due to that. I have 28 days to clear out my s20 and send it back in and figure out how to recover my samsung pass and change the email to my whole google account and samsung account too. So frustrating. It's like samsung pass saves all your passwords so you don't forget them but it should at least allow a finger print to change the password and prove it's you can't deny a fingerprint, but dumb that no where can you save the password for the main account that controls all of the stuff. Sounds like I may have to contact them.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Just to get the email to allow an email to come through id have to pay for the highest storage on it and I'm not trying to pay for that being it's a done with junk mail at this point email and I'm not paying for it. I'd rather get rid of it altogether and use a new one that has storage and I keep up with.
Galaxy S24
Good luck, and update, please.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I will for sure. I have been slacking on it because I feel like it's going to end up being a phone call and having Samsung walk me through some process or the fact I'll have to pay some outrageous amount for the highest google storage on that gmail in order to get emails in.