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Why has my Samsung email app seemed to allow massive amounts of SPAM

(Topic created: 05-04-2024 01:32 AM)
Galaxy S24
Sure seems like my Samsung email app has failed with regards to stopping SPAM. In addition it seems like a number of emails don't show up, then come in and show up as older emails. Example, if I have 5 emails show up on a Friday and I open them all up, I might see a NEW email show up in the middle of those 5 (a 6th) that was never there but has an arrival time in the middle of those 5. I also have issues where say it's Wednesday, I've opened all my email for the prior days, then on Wednesday I see the prior days Sunday, Monday & Tuesday might have a ton of fresh SPAM in my inbox.
This app seems possessed.......
1 Reply
Galaxy S24
If spam gets through, I would just continue to report those email as spam. It'll help the email service recognize which one is spam if you report it. I notice spam emails are getting smarter and seen some that's gotten through.