Original topic:

Official Galaxy S25, S25+ & S25 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 01-22-2025 09:52 PM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S25, S25+ or S25 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 22

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity: 512GB Jet Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S24 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Feb 7

The link to pre order: Pre-Order Galaxy S25 Ultra 512GB | JetBlack (Unlocked) | Samsung US

605 Replies
Galaxy S25
I got my hands on an s25 in a best buy and I was wondering if the original media player would still be available on the lock screen. I don't know if I'll like the little now bar media player cuz it could be hard to reach at times Id imagine. I also don't like swiping on different sides to access the quick settings and notification panel. I found a way to bring that back to the old way tho (swipe down once for notifications and swipe down again for quick settings). But the media player is still in the quick settings and I was wondering if any of you know how you would keep the media player where it's always been: the notification panel. I also wonder if that doesn't work, would it be possible to use the now bar as a media player instead (something like what apple did)? Ik it might be only possible with 3rd party apps but I'm dying to know. 

I plan on getting the s25 switching from the s23 ultra since I just want a smaller phone, and I don't really need the 10x zoom. (I also did a camera test and the s25 is lowk better than my s23u). Also, I'm wondering, if I make this upgrade, do you think I'll notice a difference in battery life? Ik the s23u has a really good battery and lasts me the whole day even with like 35% to spare. Ik the s25 has a smaller battery only 4000mah and I'm also disappointed that it only charges up to 25W. I'm gonna miss that fast charging. Will the battery size make a difference or will the new chip be efficient enough to at least have the same battery life results as my s23u? 
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
On quick settings is all I can find fir media player don't know on s25 yet
Galaxy S25
Yea it's also js for one UI 7. I just got the chance to experience the new UI sooner without having to download the beta version
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Nice I'm looking at the s25 plus myself
Galaxy S25
You must remember that Samsung is following Apple's playbook because Samsung is so in love with Tim Cook now that Samsung has decided to purposefully remove features from their new phones instead of innovating anymore. Samsung is in love with the idea of giving you less for more money and then selling you that same feature back at additional cost to you. This way they make more money and the engineering teams don't have to think too hard or innovate new things. Question is how long is Samsung willing to be Apple's lapdog and how long can both Samsung and Apple keep de-innovating before they're down to selling you an empty cardboard box for $1500, phone sold separately. Maybe the public will wise up before then. Can't believe my fellow Samsung users will stand for this much longer. Apple fan boys will follow forever because Apple has so groomed them over time like a predator that they all think they're special when Apple takes things away from them. Samsung and Android customers are smarter than that I hope. We just may have to find a new brand if Samsung has hit a wall and can't or won't innovate anymore. Unlike Apple, Samsung doesn't have a monopoly. Truthfully it's really really sad to me as a techie to have to switch from a Note 9 to an S24 Ultra and find out how inferior the S24 Ultra is to the Note 9. I was excited to get a new phone...then less excited when I saw the S24 Ultra specs...and then disappointed with the actual phone. My Note 9 had so many more features and was more well rounded than the S24. And to even match the memory storage in my Note 9 I had to go with the top S24 Ultra 1 Tb so I didn't gain anything there either. The S24 is faster than the Note 9 but that is the only advantage. Camera is worse too and I was really surprised by that. Thought there would be an upgrade with the extra cameras but Samsung has them all **bleep** up with crazy focal lengths, camera over processing that most images are not much good for real photography. Not sure what Samsung is thinking today. They're all in on AI I guess and no hardware innovating. The AI on the S24 is OK but can be annoying. No I really don't want to proof read everything twice now because AI has decided to change my words after I type them to something else. No I don't want to have my stuff all rewritten to something else completely either. Be careful or AI might send out something really embarrassing that you didn't write but you sent it out without proof reading it and now the boss wants to talk to you. Nope.

Anyway, my point is the S25 appears to be another waisted effort to be an Apple Jr. So my advice is don't be an **bleep** and buy an S25 with less features and no S pen Bluetooth and then compound your losses by then plunking down more money for another S Pen "sold separately" with Bluetooth. That's what whiny Apple users do. Instead be a sensible Samsung user and go buy an S24 with the Bluetooth S Pen included. It is really a shame that Samsung is going down this same path to destruction as many other tech companies do. Until they fade away. Hope that doesn't happen to Samsung but it sure appears by their business decisions that they want to go the way of the dinosaurs.

I used to think that the S in the series line meant "Samsung" but as the last few years have shown, I really think it means "Subpar" instead.

So All Hail The Subpar 25, a lesser phone than the Subpar 24, which was a lesser phone than the Subpar 23 and on and on. It really makes a techie like me sad. Is this really the future? 
Galaxy S25

"It's incredibly disappointing that Samsung decided to disable the wireless feature of the S Pen in their new device. This was one of the most useful and standout features for users who value advanced technology. I canā€™t imagine how many customers will choose not to buy the new model because of this decision. Personally, Iā€™ve already decided not to get it. This is a step back that negatively impacts the user experience. šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž"

Neutron Star
Galaxy S25
This ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø ā˜ļø
Galaxy S25
Galaxy S25
It made me decide to not get it. And I was willing to upgrade every single year. I bought the Note 20U, then the 22U, then the 23U, and 24U. No more. TM Roh needs to step down and let DJ Koh come back.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S25
Confirmed! SmartSelect_20250126_161622_Chrome_1000024650_1737926182.jpg