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Changing appearance of the Swim app, SmartWatch 7 Ultra.

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

When swimming I want my Target to be meters and when swimming I want to view Meters Swam as a large visible number. Swimming apps should be focused on visibility while swimming.

The only target setting I can find currently is in 'number of pool laps'. 

Any suggestions?

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I do not know if the settings on the 7 Ultra are different from the 7 as far as workouts go. In my settings for swim, I can choose what info is shown on the data screen.  The pool length can be measured in meters or yards.  To set the pool length, scroll to the workout tile on your watch or the exercise panel in Samsung Health on the watch.  Center the pool swim exercise on the screen and tap the settings (if the settings button does not show, tap the very bottom of the screen, *not* the exercise itself.  Scroll down to pool length and set the length (this, of course, assumes you know the actual length of the pool).  Once you set the pool length, you can hit the back button and then scroll down to workout screen.  You will see a slider for data screen 1 (and maybe data screen 2).  Tap data screen one, and choose the first screen, then select the information you want shown.  You have to pick two, there is no option for one data set.  Choose distance and duration.

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