Original topic:

Complications are a serious problem

(Topic created: 01-21-2025 08:53 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

1. Next Calendar Event. Let's say it's Tuesday and you want to see your next event, which happens to be on Wednesday, the default return for the Samsung next event is... no events. Another app developer has the next event - the one on Wednesday or whenever the next event is - properly appearing as the next event. You can find this app developer who has kindly made his app with complication available although the calendaring functionality requires a subscription. 

I used to use Watchmaker and would address it with their custom complications as well as showing the next 2 events. But with the Galaxy watch Ultra, I still have to use a third party app because, using yours, I'd not know my next appointment properly.

2. Short Weather Format. Let's say I want to know the temperature and the weather conditions outside. No such luck again in a condensed format because the watch now shows LOCATION in big letters, the temperature too small and the weather conditions might not show either. 



3. Quick Button. 

So many of us bought the new Watch Ultra to use the Quick Button - only to find out that it can't be mapped except to the four items that Samsung decided we can map and which I've discovered are useless for me. ader that you are and can be.

1 Reply
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Solution for problem number one is to download business calendar. Give that man a thanks or buy a subscription to his calendar app for some time as a reward. That has a complication that works as expected. Don't use the Samsung built-in complication for next event or you'll have the problem you see above.


Solution for problem number two. Download the Google weather, complication and app. Link appears below. Don't use the Samsung built-in weather complication or you Will probably have the concise weather display showing location Rather than your temperature and weather conditions.


Don't have a fix for number three yet. A little bit beyond my programming skills, but hopefully we'll see some alternative soon. Hope this helps others.