Original topic:

Favorite contacts won't sync

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy Watch
I'm trying to sync my contacts to a smart watch. All the others are there except those that are starred as favorites. I checked Google contacts online and they ARE there. I tried unstarring them and resync to the smart watch. Not there. O have gone through a ton of settings. How do I get all my contacts to download and sync to the smart watch? Why aren't those favorites syncing even after I've unmarked them as favorites? I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app, restarted my phone, restarted the watch, tried other emails in the watch app, nope. This is a generic smart watch but it works ok. It is Not a galaxy watch. Just cannot get those favorites to sync to the watch!???
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Are you sure they are not in their alphabetical position in your list? Favorites generally are copied (not moved) to the top if the list, but remain in their list order as well. If the watch app is not showing the favorites first, might I suggest adding the contacts tlle to your watch and then you can add your 4 most frequently contacted people to the tile for quick calling. Keep you favorites starred, though, as the watch may eventually catch up.