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Feature Request: Make routines applicable to the watches

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I have come across a few instances where it would be a help to be able to create a routine for my watch.  Unfortunately, any routine one can create only applies on the phone.  I do not understand why additional actions can't be added to apply to the watches.  When I was having battery drain issues on my watch, it would have been nice to be able to create a routine where I could get a notification to charge my watch when it went below a certain level (instead of waiting until it hit the 12% power saving threshold).  If I can make this routine on my phone, why can't I do it to apply to the watch -- even if it's only by syncing routines?

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Agreed, especially now that the watches come with 32gb of storage .
Next, they really need to double the RAM