Original topic:

Feature Request "Virtual Run"

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy Watch


I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra. I really like the watch and I think that it tracks workouts comparable to my other fitness watches. Not only that, but I have a Garmin and a Coros watch as well. So far, I really like my Ultra in comparison to the other two. While I could take my Ultra off when training and use the others, it would be nice to have some features that the other two watches have.

The main sticking point for me in that there is not a way to connect my Ultra to a virtual application like Zwift for example. I like to run on my treadmill indoors during the cold and really hot months. On the other two watches there is a Virtual Run option that will allow you to Bluetooth connect your watch to a device running Zwift and you can use the watch as a Heart Rate monitor.

Like on Coros you select Indoor running and then select "virtual Run" then connect the watch to your device of choice. Then you start the workout on the watch. Then all the data is synced and correct.

I feel like this is a feature that could and should be implemented on Galaxy watches.

Thank you for you time.

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