Original topic:

Galaxy 5 Watch rash & rabbit holes

(Topic created: 2 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
I've had a Galaxy 5 watch 40mm for over a year. I have sensitive skin & early on I had some irritation, but it was short-lived. During a 6 day power outage from Hurr. Beryl, I developed a bad rash under my watch & strap. I took it off, cleaned it thoroughly, changed strap & waited til power was restored to wear it again. Rash under watch came back in less than a day. I went online, then called Samsung. Went through 2 support people & 45' on hold finally got to next level support. Next level wanted details like exact date/time the 'incident' happened. I couldn't convey it was not an 'event'. After 
a total of 1 hour & 28 min. I was told I would receive a mailer & that the team would evaluate the watch & let me know the conclusion after 10-12 business days. Okay, so I waited. But then I remembered my skin is hyper-sensitive at times, so I googled. Apple sells little guards for their watches that cover the metal parts of the back w/o messing up sensors. :light_bulb:! The steel backs may contain nickel or other metals. Some of us are sensitive to even small acts. There are no shields to fit over galaxy backs, but I'm experimenting with different materials. I am not sending my watch in. I can't believe I'm the only one with this problem. Customer support really needs people to think outside the box on occasion. The box is getting more and more narrow & solutions aren't that far away! 

I'll post updates on materials I try. I bought apple shields but they are too small. I am trying clear packing tape today! Next I'll try tagamet medical bandage (used for securing IV lines). 
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