Original topic:

Latest Update with Redesign Problems?

(Topic created: Friday)
Galaxy Watch
Has anyone else had their Samsung wearables become less and less useful and lose more features since the newest update especially with older models? My GW5 and Fit 2 are paired with my S22U and my GW4C is paired with my S24+. However across the board: steps, HRV/stress, and SpO2 no longer work. Step tracking is broken. HRV either refuses to be measured or synced. SpO2 is measured, but refuses to sync. On my Fit 2, remote camera access and quick responses are just gone. Media player works only works sometimes or refuses to launch. On the Fit 2 everything will be measured, but refuse to sync. On Samsung Health itself, all my logged medications dispear after a day. 

Did Samsung break anything with the redesign? These issues disappeared after resetting and repairing everything, but they came back. I can't even use older versions of the S Health app because the cloud won't let me. Is this Samsung's way of nudging everyone to upgrade to the GW7 series and or the Galaxy Ring? If so, scummy move. When I had the Fit 3 the only issues were HR syncing and inaccurate weather/steps . I guess that was a harbinger of things to come. Samsung don't say it is solved and immediately take down this post like you have with my past and other folk's valid complaints and genuine concerns ! 

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