Original topic:

Samsung watch ultra Losing connection with phone

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch
Samsung galaxy watch ultra keeps vibrating for loss connection with phone. It's random every 15 sec and I can't find a way to ststop it from disconnecting from my Samsung s25 ultra
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

Does this happen when you are with the phone, or when you are out of BT range?  If your phone is out of BT range and you have remote connection on, the phone will connect through Google cloud services, but network interference can cause it to keep connecting and disconnecting.  I have this issue when my phone is out of range of the watch in my home.  If I am sitting in my kitchen and my phone is on the lanai, my watch mostly has a stable connection to the phone but sometimes disconnects and reconnects, and this can happen multiple times within minutes.