Original topic:

Voice memo transfer to non samsung phone

(Topic created: 08-04-2024 11:38 AM)
Galaxy Watch


I would be interested in bit more details how the Galaxy watch voice memos are transferred to NON-Samsung phone, namely:

1) based on what is the transfer occurring. In watch app I have setting "Auto copy to phone" activated, but it does not seem to really transfer anything  (I waited 1 hour and nothing). Only what worked was when I disabled it  and triggered "copy to phone now"

2) are the voice memo on the phone available in some reasonable conformable matter?  I just found it using file explorer in .../Recordings/Sounds/Watch  . Is there not any app support for management of these files on the phone?     

   a) in Galaxy Wear app ?  ....I was searching there but did not find anything

   b) Samsung Voice Recorder app   seem not to be possible to be installed on non-samsung Phone, correct? So this cannot be used?

3) when I have text to speech feature activated, where I find the text transcripts?  I haven't found anything in .../Recordings/Sounds/Watch directory

   a) is there any app to manage these test transcripts? E.g. make a reminder from it or compile TODO list?


Many thanks





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