Original topic:

Watch 7 Horrible "Floors" Detection

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy Watch
I've been up 17 flights of stairs this morning.... TWICE!! My Galaxy Watch 7 fails to detect. This behavior occurs every single day where is just doesn't accurately detect. What a joke... I don't have this issue with my Apple Watch, Pixel Watch 3, or Garmin Forerunner 965. I'm starting to belive that Sammy smart watches are toys, not serious contenders. 

If I go up 15 times during the day, the watch will capture 9 or 10 times. Any tips or recommendations that I should try to increase accuracy?
3 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Yep! I've reported this issue. I did like 12 the other day and it recorded 3. My apple watch was hardly ever off. Samsung is pretty sad.

If you are a serious fitness person you'll find that a lot of the readings are off as well. Like distance is never correct. Steps are off. Big issue is my demographics have to be put in with on the phone and then you have to make sure and also go on the watch and update them there as well. Like my phone has my proper gender, height, and weight. The watch will have no gender at all, my height is like 1/2 ft less, and my weight is about 80lbs off.

I just discovered the demographics issue so I'm wondering if maybe that's why the steps and distance is off.

Seriously though. Samsung is not it for fitness.
Galaxy Watch
Thanks for your input, much appreciated. I guess I'll just use my 965 full time and problem solved. šŸ™„
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
Several years ago with an earlier watch version it was determined that Samsung set a flight of stairs at 10' whereas US stairs are actually 8'. They've never corrected for this difference. It was suggested by users that the way to adjust for the 2 extra feet was to raise your arms above your head (like in Rocky) when you reach the top step.