Original topic:

Why is there no equivalent to Garmin Connect website for Samsung Health?

(Topic created: 07-28-2024 05:41 PM)
Galaxy Watch

I've been using both Garming Fenix and Samsung watches for a number of years now, switching between the two brands based on feature needs.  One area that Samsung is consistently short on is access to data outside of their ecosystem.  The Garmin Connect site provides me with a good interface to review data over extended periods of time, do comparisons of activity and health data (avg/max HR, etc) that is just not there on a phone device.  I picked up an Ultra to eval alongside my Fenix 7 Pro and am still disappointed in this (my opinion) shortcoming.  

The devices are starting to converge, but lack of convenient access to data is frustrating.  There are numerous threads in other forums expressing similar frustration at this, so I feel I'm not alone.

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