Original topic:

Humidity Fresh Drawer, no controls

(Topic created: 07-27-2024 03:43 AM)
Kitchen and Family Hub


I have a basic model RB34T652DWW Fridge-Freezer. It has a single 'Humidity Fresh' drawer, with no controls.

I deeply regret buying it as anything I put in the drawer is wet and goes off quickly, not like previous fridge-freezers. And wasting lots of money.

I am using it as high humidity drawer ( for lettuce, wilting veg like kale, cabbage, carrots).

Quickly learned no plastic, and helps a little to dry it out a bit to keep some scrunched up kitchen roll in there.

Surely this is a design fault? Or is there something else I could do?

Have checked the manual and website, but as I don't have Humidity Fresh plus, can't adjust. Maybe I should keep something else in there, but what?

Thanks for your time,


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