Original topic:

Installation of 9" Backguard for Slide In Stove

(Topic created: 08-12-2024 06:00 PM)
Kitchen and Family Hub

Has anyone in the community installed the Samsung 9" Backguard for the electric slide in stove.  My stove has an existing piece of metal **bleep** into the position where I believe the Backguard must be installed.  It is the width of the stove, and about half an inch wide (if that).  It is so tightly **bleep** into the stove, it may as well be welded.  I'm hoping I am wrong, but I cannot see how to install the 9" Backguard without first removing the existing strip of metal.

Can anyone help?  I've attached two photos.  The first is the back of the stove from above - the piece of metal is the strip to the right on the photo, running the length of the back of the stove.  The second is the same area of the stove from the back side, showing one of the screws (silver screw on black metal) holding the metal in place.  

The 9" Backguard I'd like to install is pictured on the Samsung website here:  https://www.samsung.com/us/home-appliances/home-appliances-accessories/range-accessories/9-backguard...

Back of Stove Top View.jpegStove Rear View.jpeg

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