Original topic:

RZ32T Freezer periodically not freezing

(Topic created: Wednesday)
Ken Andrews
Kitchen and Family Hub

Our six week old RZ32T one-door freezer has stopped freezing three times since we brought it home and plugged it in.  Have called Samsung service each time and since it takes about three week days for the service tech to get the notification and schedule the visit, it is always working correctly again by time he shows up. It has always been plugged into a 1000W AVR-UPS, but the technician thinks our unreliable Panama power is the problem.  Street power can vary from 119V to 125V, so this is marginally within the 120V +/- 5V that most electrical items are designed for.  The lights always function and the AVR-UPS does not trip out on start up, but three times when we have opened it, the freezer was not cooling.  Does anyone know what the inrush load at startup is?  Any suggestions on why the cooling stops and starts, but the lights always work?  Our 30 year old Frigidaire refrigerator-freezer plugged into the same model AVR-UPS on the same circuit in the house does not have this problem and probably has the same or higher start-up inrush.  We are careful to keep the cooling vents in the interior back wall clear of food so that we get good air circulation to avoid freeze up inside the back wall.

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