Original topic:

Viewfinity S9 CLD panel & connection issues

(Topic created: 09-14-2024 03:22 PM)
Monitors and Memory

I purchased a pair of these monitors.  To my dismay; I discovered that these are not just monitors, but "Smart" that can possibly work like a monitor.  One lasted 4 hours before the LCD panel failed.  I hooked back up my 20+ year old Apple display until the return of the failed unit.  Getting support was awful.  I kept getting bounced (at least 6 times) between the AI and a real human once I final got to the real human. 

After I received my repaired monitor, hooked it back via thunderbolt 4 and all seemed well.  Then the following morning neither display would connect to my mac whether it was directly connected or via my dock.  Nor could I get them to connect to my Lenovo.  All after several hours of frustration, I finally got the non repaired one connected solo to my mac, then via my dock.  When I connected the repaired unit it took them both down.  Unplugged the repaired unit, other one came up.  I just happened to have a usb-c to minidisplay port adapter.  I connect this to the repaired unit and now both are working albeit not as they should.

Buyers beware.  This is not a solid product.  If you can get it to work the picture quality is good, but they are unreliable and I never recommend these to anyone. 

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