Original topic:

3 service menu issues cu7000

(Topic created: 04-17-2024 07:32 AM)
Projectors & Other TVs

un65cu7000FX  with solar smart remote NO/voice function working 

3 problems with the TVtuner  instantly power on and off No functioning voice assistant

I bought the TV second hand  from My neighbor he tried to put a voice assistant on when open menu menu (settings)  voice menu box right of it has an empty

also when you go to about (info)  device  under the menu it list smart remote Bixby

also try to tune cable or OTA even after multiple resets as soon as  it's start instantly done soon as you click scan it's done  zero channels in zero seconds finished  

The TV instantly turn on and off just  insta ON   anytime you hit any button on the remote when supposed to be poweroff

  code**turned off mute 182 power wont work

WORKING 2x codes  Hospitality mode  then 1234  Full menu ****

info  setting/menu mute power    

is there an engineer mode / service mode reset  master reset rebuilds databases for hardware like LG 

also is it possible to get Bixby Alexa or Google Assistant installed on tv 

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