Original topic:

No power q90t 85 inch, samsung care plus keeps rejecting claim

(Topic created: 09-03-2024 08:25 AM)
Projectors & Other TVs

I have a QN85Q90TAFXZA and on August 10, 2024 the TV stopped turning on, no red light, swapped power cords, outlets etc. nothing worked. I bought this TV with the samsung care plus protection and according to my samsung account Care Plus Warranty is Valid through Friday, October 25, 2024


However I cannot make a claim by using the button on the website as this TV isn't listed via the assurant website, so I call and they file a claim for me to a company called quick serv, this company asks for my receipt to verify, each time i send it to them they ask all the details over again, I always verify and call them they say they can see my coverage and assure me no issues, the next day it gets cancelled and say it is out of warranty.... I have repeated this cycle 5 times now. 

Does samsung not honor their own protection? How do I get this TV fixed or replaced by the protection package that I PAID for? 

2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Projectors & Other TVs

Have you called quick serv for an explanation? It could be a glitch in the system between the switch Samsung made to their warranty service providers.  You said you called to file a claim. Called who?  Samsung? Assurant?  I believe in this instance Samsung would be who to call. This is an excerpt from a moderator post:

Samsung Care + (FKA Premium Care) concerns/Inquiries:

We understand that life happens sometimes. Insurance is a great thing to have with your carrier, but you may want to check out our exclusive option, Samsung Care +. Protect your device from lifeā€™s mishaps plus get 24/7 Expert support to make your digital life easier. Call 1-866-371-9501.




Projectors & Other TVs

Yes I've called both companies Samsung and quick serv. They say they can't verify the Samsung care plus and to call Samsung, I call Samsung care and they say everything is all verified. It's an endless loop.