Original topic:

Allow continuous Text Message (Notification) for specific contacts

(Topic created: 07-29-2024 01:08 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Hi I have a high level position at my job and my colleagues as well as my supervisor complain that I don't respond to their messages quickly enough. Truth is I want to respond but in most cases I am so enamored in my job responsibilities that I don't even notice my message ringtone. I've changed my ringtone to something that catches my ear very easily but over time even the sound of this has dulled.

Can Samsung create a feature where the user can select certain individuals text messages to ring continuously until you acknowledge it because I think that it would help many people like me to respond to those important messages who are otherwise simply too busy to check their phones every 5 minutes. I am too old fashioned but thank you for reading anyway.
5 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
The galaxy watch will vibrate to let you know when you have a text or call. I do not know the features of the galaxy ring yet.
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services
You can set a routine to read messages from certain contacts aloud, that might help.
Samsung Apps and Services
Settings> notifications> advance settings> "repeat notifications alerts"

Once you turn on repeat notifications you can select specific apps (ex: messenger) and when a message is unread it will trigger a repeat alert in the increments selected. You can select 3, 5, 10, 15 minute reoccurring alerts and it takes a physical action to stop the alerts.

Hope this helps
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

That sounds like a good work around - I certainly didn't know about that setting - but they said they would like to be able to get repeat notifications from certain people. I'm pretty sure that if someone gets a fair amount of text messages, having them all on repeat would be kind of an annoyance.  But that setting combined with a custom notification sound for specific conversations might work.  Hopefully, the OP will find it useful.

Samsung Apps and Services
I think it's one of several workarounds. I like your suggestion about routines. Can build a routine that triggers a visual alert along with an auditory alert. important messages can be set to flash the screen or turn on the camera light using accessibility features in routines when a keyword is listed in a message such as a name. I don't think there is a solution that meets the exact criteria listed but I think success can be reached with either or both approaches.