Original topic:

Default theme dark mode or dark mode apps

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services
I have a suggestion for the Samsung team, if this hasn't been already suggested. 
It would be so nice if in a future update Samsung made it possible to use Dark Mode with dark colored themes from the Galaxy Store, have a default theme that can be used with Dark Mode in the same way the default theme is used for Light Mode, and/or allow Samsung/Google apps to have a Dark Mode as a choice for their apps. As it is right now if you're using any type of theme whether dark or light colored, from the Galaxy Store, they will only work correctly if you're using Light Mode. If you try to enable Dark Mode then the Samsung theme will not apply at all. I feel like this is huge oversight by Samsung because of people like myself who enjoy using their phone in Dark Mode (so much easier on the eyes) and also using Galaxy/Samsung themes. 
Yes I know there's the option of using a color palette, thank you for the addition, but the color choices are limited as well as where the color is applied. 

There's also the Good Lock app with the Theme Park module but again you can only do so much. Like you can't customize the Setting page icons. If there were more options when it comes to those icons that would be a really cool thing. The way it is now that once you've chosen your color(s) and applied your theme the Setting icons are random colors that don't always look nice with the color chosen, which is some sort of pink usually in my case. Thankfully though you can atleast choose one color for the dial/phone pad. 
Don't get me wrong the Good Lock app has been a great addition to Samsung phones and I'm grateful for all the developers that make it possible for us to use. You've all done an awesome job! Just a few more tweaks here and there would make the app that fantastic!!

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