Original topic:

Let us sync vibration with ANY ringtone!

(Topic created: 05-16-2024 07:03 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services
Hey Samsung, let us sync vibrations with ANY ringtone, and not just the ones that came with the phone. You've got all this AI mess built in now that can remove objects from pictures, love translate calls etc., but it can't keep a simple beat?

You could at least bring back the option to let us make our own vibration pattern. There was absolutely no reason to remove that feature in the first place.
8 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Custom vibrations were never removed. I'm not sure where you heard that but it very much still exists. Go to good guardians and then sound assistant, and you'll see customize vibration patterns. 1715913971462.jpg
Samsung Apps and Services
I don't think you read my actual post. As I stated in it, it should work with more than JUST their built in tones.

If you set a custom ringtone you lose the option. It gets grayed out.

Samsung Apps and Services
I definitely read it lol. I wasn't implying you could sync a custom vibration with a custom ringtone. You said they removed the ability to create customized vibrations and I replied to that statement.
You can make whatever vibration you want and use it along with any ringtone you want. You just can't sync them, which makes sense because how can the phone sync a custom made vibration with a ringtone? It's not logical. Everyone has to settle with some aspects, no phone in the world can do everything that every person wants.
Samsung Apps and Services
I can't find anywhere to make custom vibrations on the S22, but that's not the point. Way back on the S2 or S4 (I can't remember which), you could open a vibration customization menu, play the tone, and tap out the vibration along with the tone. It was extremely easy to do and there was no reason for it to be removed.
Samsung Apps and Services
Galaxy S2?? Oh, well you're talking 13 years ago, times change and so do companies. That's the way of the world!
Samsung Apps and Services
This is on my S24U on latest firmware
Samsung Apps and Services
Right, but it only works with their built in tones. Not custom tones. Or it was just added to 24 series devices only. I'm on an S22.
Samsung Apps and Services
I don't download aftermarket ringtones, so I couldn't tell you the answer to that. My S24U has like 30 different built in ones, I don't have the need to use a custom ringtone so I don't. I would guess it can't sync with custom tones for the same reason I stated above, the phone would have to analyze the best of the custom tone and somehow integrate your custom vibration to match it...That isn't something Samsung is going to change, it'd be quite a lot of work for something that a very small margin of users would even take advantage of. Most of us use one of the plethora of tones included. The fact that you can't sync a vibration to a custom ringtone is a not really an issue, it's a lack of a feature you wanted. That's why I don't see this being changed anytime soon, sorry