Original topic:

Modes and routines sleep mode never triggered

(Topic created: Saturday)
Last night my sleep mode never triggered on time I set it up from 8:55 PM to 10:00 AM and the mode never turned on I decided to delete it and reset it so I can use it supposedly Samsung released a new update for the app so I hope this update will fix the bug that caused my mode to not turn on last night 
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

When you set the mode to go on automatically, after setting the time frame, did you actually move the slider on? What do you have sleep mode set to do that it's not doing while you sleep - and if you are sleeping, how do you know? 

You might be better off using a routine to trigger sleep mode automatically.  Routines seem to run better on the automated level.  I just always turn on my sleep mode manually (from my watch), because I only go to sleep when I am tired and wake up when I wake up, and it's not generally the same time every night.