Original topic:

OneUI 6.1 update turned off Categories for notifications (now a complaint - and a suggestion)

(Topic created: 06-05-2024 01:02 PM)
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

I just noticed that after the 6.1 update notification categories got turned off.  I don't understand why, if they didn't move or change that feature, they would have turned it off if it had already been set to on.  It is a simple matter to turn it back on, but if one doesn't know it was turned off in the first place, they don't know to turn it back on.  When I first was looking to assign or change a notification sound, I noticed the categories were gone, but didn't think much of it, thinking that maybe they would now just allow you to change the sound of all notifications for the app, but that wasn't the case.  Without that setting on, even if you don't want to change the sound, you cannot disable notifications that you don't want.  I don't need or want every notification from every category that an app wants to send me.  

Keeping this setting off by default, takes control away from the user, and in a lot of cases, people don't even know about the notification categories in the first place - hence all the rants about receiving marketing notifications.  

THIS FEATURE SHOULD BE TURNED ON BY DEFAULT AND LET THE USER DETERMINE WHETHER THEY WANT IT OFF. Better yet, don't make it an option at all, just keep the notification categories as the only option.

2 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Congrats on your success! I noticed that you didn't mentiin how to turn it back on. That would be helpful. Thanks
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services
Because those instructons have been discussed ad infinitum in multiple threads. *This* post was to inform people that the update changed the setting that they had previously adjusted to the default. Now, you can look up those posts, because I don't need to add to the clutter.