Original topic:

Samsung email app widget issues

(Topic created: 05-11-2024 12:37 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Hey guys for last few versions of Samsung email app I can not resize home screen widget and place it in a stack. If I add it to home screen it takes half screen and can not only be increased to take what space has left on home screen but not to adjust it height.


If I install Samsung email apk from June/July 2023 widget is working properly. I have been reporting this to Samsung via members app but support is bluntly said stupid in my region.

I tried everything, resetting phone, reinstalling app, switching languages, changing resolutions etc. But nothing works. 

Screenshot_20240511_092341_One UI Home.jpg

If I install old version of Samsung email app widget is shown as expected:

Screenshot_20240511_093152_One UI Home.jpg


Any advice or if mods/admins can report this would be great!

4 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services

It is the Samsung email app itself. The last few versions of the app only support a 4x4 widget on your phone, and will not allow you to resize it.

Interestingly enough, the exact same email app version shows a 3x2 widget on my Tab S9, which can be resized to a larger size.

I also used to use it and miss the ability to have a 4x2 widget on the phone home screen.

Another brilliant piece of programing by Samsung... NOT.


Samsung Apps and Services

This is a bug and I don't think it is intentional. I mean it would be quite stupid to make it like that.

What is infuriating to me is when I called support question I was asked after I explained the issue was:

Do you really need that option?

I kid you not. Was left speechless for a moment there and realized that they do not care and this will not get anywhere let alone be solved. I think support for Serbia is located in Croatia as machine secretary voice was in Croatian not Serbian, even that was wrong and designed poorly.

Second thing reporting this for several months via app or samsung member app and every time getting just vague generic answer which actually when read properly truly is saying nothing and is kind of rude.

Screenshot_20240516_085104_Samsung Members.jpg


Samsung Apps and Services

I managed to get the latest version of mail to indirectly resize to 5x2 and be placed in stack by doing the following:

I uninstalled the Mail app completely and replaced it with 2023 version of Mail (this one for example: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/samsung-electronics-co-ltd/samsung-email/samsung-email-6-1-90-16-relea...), then I resized it to the desired size, opened it and loaded my mail. After that I just updated it trough Google Play Store.

That way, it stayed the same size while being the latest version and able to stack with other apps or stand alone.

Hopefully this will get resolved one day.

Samsung Apps and Services

Yes that is what I have done also, but it got me concerned regarding security. 

Samsung will not fix this probably so as soon as this phone reaches EOL in my eye's I am ditching Samsung all together. There is quite a lot of choice now regarding phones.