Original topic:

Samsung is weird about album art

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

It seems like certain apps have more limited access to info in the directory of music where it isn't able to find the cover art although it is your standar cover.jpg, i use auxio and in the stock rom it isn't doesn't detect the album art but in other roms it is, originally i was going to post in the github but it feels more like a weird quirk that samsung android has rather than something the apps is doing because it works in lineage, motorola or similar so i was wondering what class of access they give

I don't use the stock samsung music player because i didn't like that i couldn't export my playlist and the arbitrary limit of 1000 playlist songs

1 Reply
Samsung Apps and Services
Download 'Musicolet' from the Ggogle Play store. Bar none the most meticulously customizable music player app for a personal library I've ever used. You can literally write the individual album art to an album, specific songs, or a whole playlist. It also comes with a direct search feature for tracks, albums, artists and files which you can customize. It will search the world for lyrics and album art for every single track in your library. I'm still discovering things it can do 4 years later. It's the best šŸ‘Œ