Original topic:

Smart things need to add biometrics or pin!

(Topic created: 08-09-2024 12:19 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services
Hello. It pretty disheartening that samsung allows integrations with other IOT devices without consideration of security! IOT are already vulnerable and a I noticed that samsung app was able to find my IOT device app (which has an option to choose and I choose to require biometrics), but not able to have any form of authentication when added to smart things. Essentially it some steals my phon3 while unlocked they have access to my smart things devices. This is a huge security risk and would like samsung to prioritize patching this asap. We don't need a headline such as local hackers breaks into home and steals everything after exploiting smart things app. I can even add it to my watch. Same concept anyone who get access to my watch when it not asking for a pin can access smart things and other IOT devices! Again please PATCH ASAP thanks 
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