Original topic:

Unable to Use AI and translate features on my keyboard

(Topic created: 10-23-2024 08:18 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

So this is quite a unique problem I am facing i don't know if anyone else is facing this too. So I have always been able to use the chat assists and other AI Features, along with the translate feature. This seems to be a problem across all the AI features on my phone at the moment. Whenever I click the translate feature on my keyboard and I am typing a message to send to someone in another language, I get thrown into a different screen that says "checking for updates" (mind you everything has been updated till this point) And then thrown back to my keyboard with no update per-se sort of like an update loop. I am unable to type the message I want to translate and also it will not allow me to tap the chat assist features. I am only able to do all these things when my Airplane mode has been activated. So in this case, I have to turn on Airplane mode type what I want to type, switch off Airplane mode, and then send the message. Is anyone else facing this problem? Or it's unique to only me and could be a network block based on region P.S. in China but even if I VPN to another region I still get the "checking for update" splash screen. When I check in recent apps to see which app could be giving this splash screen, It shows "Samsung account" at the top, but my account is updated to the newest versions and there seems to be nothing of significance in my notifications for me to pay attention to. Any help is appreciated. I know the explanation might be a little confusing but that is exactly how I'm facing the problem in my best wording.

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Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thanks for reaching out. Support for US products is the focus of this forum. As your device is a non-US model information is severely limited. We kindly suggest that you use this link to look for a support team in the area your product was manufactured in: https://www.samsung.com/visitcountry/

Did you know? Your region more than likely has a community of it's very own!! Check out the following link and join the community in your region: https://r2.community.samsung.com/ 
