Original topic:

"Speak Keyboard Input Aloud" turns on mysteriously.

(Topic created: 08-10-2024 07:04 AM)
Cosmic Ray
I have been using my tab S9 Ultra for close to a year now, and within the last month or so the "Speak Keyboard Input Aloud" function mysteriously turned itself on. I initially thought this was due to updates, but now I'm wondering if that's really the case. Since July 30th, it's happened at least three times. It's happened more time, I know, because I never submit anything as an error or discussion topic the first few times that it occurs. Starting July 30th I have submitted three reports. I also realize that unless I'm getting updates and not being notified about them that updates are not the issue. Understand that I only go into this function to turn this function off. I never go into it to do anything else unless something is not set the way I like it. This is getting very, very annoying and I would urge anyone else with this issue to submit reports detailing it from their point of view.
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