Original topic:

A53. SIM card slot 1 doesn't work after update

(Topic created: 02-16-2024 02:38 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I updated my phone recently, and got One UI 6. And after that SIM card slot 1 stops working.

If a sim card is installed in slot 1 then there is no service, even if the phone is showing E (Egde) and signal level in the notification area. And I checked SIM status, it is showing "connecting".

If I install the same sim card to slot 2 then everything works fine!

I went to carrier office and we tried a few different sim cards there, got same result for all sim cards: nothing works in slot 1 and slot 2 works fine.

Again, it happened after the update, so this is definitely a software bug. 

Very very frustrated and disappointed. Samsung Mobile division and QA - this is terrible! 

A Series & Other Mobile

Agree. Samsung support is terrible. Always saying that this is a carrier problem. It can't be a carrier problem because SIM card is working in slot 2 and it is working in another phone. Any other SIM card doesn't work in slot 1 on my phone.

Samsung QA is useless - they are making locked phones for carriers and are unable to properly test the firmware/update.

Loyd Koon
A Series & Other Mobile
Once you get the update technically you need to do a factory reset after the phone gets finished. This makes sure there isn't any left over junk from the previous version causing conflicts.
A Series & Other Mobile

For the OTA updates users should not do factory reset. That's crazy! The average amount of installed apps on the device is 50+. Most of them are important and used by people. Most of them require login. And for security reasons, passwords should not be reused. So users should reinstall all apps again, recall credentials, log in, etc.

Firmware must be tested very well before delivery to the clients. Period. 

Loyd Koon
A Series & Other Mobile
If it's a brand new device and they roll out updates every couple weeks then yes it's a process that's warranted to do. So unless your device has been around for a bit more than three months this happens bud
Loyd Koon
A Series & Other Mobile
And on top of your rant Google mandates what bug fixes and security protocols go into your system rom while Samsung devs have to integrate that into the highly customized factory version of Android they use.
A Series & Other Mobile

That just happened to me today, phone updated, work fine for a few hours then no sim card message, switched from sim 1 to sim2 works fine but now but no 5g  just LTE +

A Series & Other Mobile
@Sman42 This is exactly what happened in my A25. Now, I also have an error message, "connection problem or invalid MMI code." I have not entered any MMI codes in this phone ever. That seems to go along with SIM2 connection, even though everything works fine. I have to keep hitting ok to get the notification to go away for a few seconds. Both SIMs are on the same network. One may be connected and the other is not. However, it is SIM 1 that is mainly that problem. Actually, I only had 1 SIM in when this started. Maybe for me, the error code is separate. I don't know. I haven't seen any other posts about it. Troubleshooting I've done for loss of service: turn off, turn back on, airplane mode, network reset on both SIMS on both phone and by service providers, new SIM, someone else's SIM, uninstalled the apps for both service providers, and a complete factory reset. Samsung sent me to their service center, who is unable to even run diagnostics because the phone is so new that it's not even in their system. The service center said it needs a new motherboard based on what I told them. They haven't even seen an A25 yet. They can not get the part. Samsung said I have to send it in to them and go 2 to 3 weeks without a phone. It occurred to me last night that it may be due to the update. I contacted Samsung Tech Support about that and got nowhere, other than telling me to send my phone in. They won't even consider checking their programming. That's for the SIM1 problem, at least. I texted the manager at the store the day it started to see if T-mobile had any outages, which they did not. I can't put SIM1 in SIM2 because the service provider programs their SIM card to the IMEI. I bought the phone unlocked. That's just so that they can charge people when they want to change phones. That's where I'm at. I also get the E, which I looked up. That means it's the slowest internet there is, and I'm in a 5G Ultra area. My SIM status usually says "searching" in SIM1. You know that if you don't get service in the service provider's store, it is not the service or they would be out of business. I don't know how many people have actually contacted Samsung, if Samsung keeps track of the problems we are all reporting or if they read these posts. This is the second serious programming problem I have had with Samsung. The other was last year with A54 when the service providers blamed Samsung and Samsung blamed the providers (multiples service providers, not just one). If I could afford an iPhone, I would switch at this point. Hopefully, Samsung will fix this soon.
A Series & Other Mobile

I got a couple of software updates on my phone since the issue happened and it is still not fixed.

Samsung's support is terrible. They just read scripts and it is impossible to get someone who can help. They also asked me to send my phone back and I'm ok if they can give me a loner, but they will not.

Samsung mobile team is in Suwon, SK. And no one here in Samsung Research America can help. Engineers in SRA sent an email and submitted a ticket. It was done a month ago, no response at all.

A Series & Other Mobile
I spent/ wasted 2 hours last night trying to convince them that I am not an isolated case and they should look into their programming. They weren't interested in helping!
A Series & Other Mobile
Ever get the feeling samsung is trying to get people to buy new more expensive phones?