Original topic:

How do I permanently remove unwanted bloatware from phone?

(Topic created: yesterday)
A Series & Other Mobile
I don't want Always On Display and a bunch of other useless apps that are taking up device storage, many of which are using data and cache even when disabled? I'd also like to remove the AI features. I don't want a phone that learns from my input. Basically I want a less smart phone, one that lets me choose which apps are allowed to use my phone's resources. Can Samsung please go back to making phones that are user friendly to people who don't want all their choices made for them like Apple users do? It shouldn't be hard to have these "QoL" apps optional for those too lazy to use grammar, or whatever.
10 Replies
A Series & Other Mobile
Yes Realaud is right but some of the Apk Extractors and Uninstaller depending on which you you use will take the app you extracted and make a folder for it and store it there that way if you ever want to reinstall it it's there and it will reinstall it like it was originally. Some of the Apk Extractors or managers or just Uninstaller you need to make sure you choose the right one for your needs but they will even ( some of them ) will tell you exactly what each app does in your phone even the system apps.