Original topic:

Ringtone sometimes loud, sometimes soft

(Topic created: 5 hours ago)
A Series & Other Mobile


We are a business IT service provider and a client of ours purchased a Samsung A55 (2024) last week. We provided it with the latest software/firmware and it was set up, from factory restore, with a “clean install”. That is, we did not install any additional apps, except for one app of ours.

So it's practically a clean phone.

When the customer receives an incoming call, the ringtone (regardless of the ringtone melody) is sometimes soft and sometimes loud. So it may be that when someone calls now that the ringtone rings at full volume. Then if another person calls within say 10 minutes then the ringtone rings very softly. However, it can also be that half an hour later everything goes fine.

The volume is fully open (in all areas so ringtone, media etc.).

We also had a Galaxy S22 (refurbished) some time ago with the same problem. However, this device was returned at the time (due to other reasons) and therefore this problem was not pursued at that time, assuming that on another device, the A55 in this case, this would not be a problem.

Any tips?


Thanks in advance!

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