Original topic:

What is Our Groups Section?

(Topic created: 04-22-2021 03:42 PM)
Community Manager
Community Manager


Welcome to the Groups section! 

  • Here you will find our Creator Board & Gamer boards These are more personalized ways you can connect and communicate with your fellow Community Members! 

Creator Board

    • Have a breathtaking Sunset photo that you’ve taken with your new S21 that you want to share? Here’s the place to do that! Any kind of content that you create using your Samsung Devices, We love to see, and we love for you to share, as we love seeing the creativity of our Samsung Users! 
    • Please check out our Guidelines for the Creator board: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Creator/Samsung-Creator-Guidelines/m-p/459827#M4 


Gamer Board

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