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The Rule of Thirds from which all professionals photographers are inspired to succeed in their photo

(Topic created: 10-28-2021 07:19 PM)
Cosmic Ray

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Look to any pictures in this post, All  of them respect the Rules of Thirds

Click on pictures to see all the beauty of those pictures


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The rule of thirds explained 

The Rule of Thirds is a standard followed consciously or unconsciously by all designers, photographers, presenters, painters etc. because it attracts the eye to precise points automatically while making the composition of the image / canvas / drawings easier, since the world is world.  Those who make extraordinary photos / drawings / canvases without using the grid have what is called:  The Eye of the Photographer or Having The Eye. 

Note that I do not have the photographer's eye, but with the grid which I speak later

I manage to do pretty well   just like you will too!

Imagine a figure seated and looking to the right. Take this one and put it in the center of your photo. What is your eye drawn to, I would say it is not really drawn to ANYTHING.

Now take that same character looking to the right and place it to the left of your image. What happens then in your brain, here is what happens: Your eye will automatically be brought to look at this character on the left of your photo  THEN your eye (thanks to your brain) will be brought to wonder this: What is man looking at? and suddenly your eye will go to the right of the photo to try to see what the man is looking at  and this is possible with the magic of the Rule of Thirds.  

For help in composing your image, please ACTIVATE GRID in your camera settings. The following photo was taken respecting this grid. 


Thanks to Ross Farquhar  photographer (kuriouskiwiphotography on Facebook)

You will notice that everything you like will mostly be defined with this rule ... and this is where you will ask me for examples ... here are a few.

For better viewing I suggest you open the following link in your favorite browser  and open the photos full size as they are gorgeous:

The following photos of  @JefCanton  will serve as a model ... I thank him for having provided them to me.




If you read my definition, you will see that his photos respect the Rule of Thirds horizontally and vertically ...

Have you ever realized that professional photos rarely place the main subject in the center of the photo but they respect alaways the same standard , the Rules of Thirds ?


(from Zmahd photography, Paysage Mode)


It is often necessary to crop a photo to give more importance to a particular element, placing it in a particular place of the frame. The classic rule is to place the element at one third of the distance between the edges, for example placing the horizon line of a landscape at the lower third, placing a character's eyes looking to the right at the left third. (Definition given by GIMP, free photo software)

Here is the grid that you will observe on all your photos if you have activated the GRID which is the best tool to help you use The Rule of Thirds 


Here is a Photo ...


#KuriousKiwiPhotography on Facebook

Imagine a grid of the TIC-TAC-TOE game, this grid divides your future photo into 9 parts (so 9 thirds or if you prefer 3 horizontal sections and X 3 vertical sections). the photo you will take and there are lines or intersections that will also help you position your subject.(Took with my Note10+)


In this photo, The row of houses represent the horizontal First Third, My horizontal Second Third is represented by the section that covers reflections from the Sun and my horizontal Last Third represents The Clouds.

Now my Vertical First Thirds emphasizes the trees on the left, my Vertical Second Thirds doesn't really catch the eye BUT the vertical Third Thirds, I have placed the Sun on a line of intersections in order to attract your eye and the Third Tiers Verticals is meant to be a repetition of what had been brought to the vertical foreground (ie the trees) to balance the scene.

You will also notice that I also took the time to properly align the skyline of the houses.



  • We notice that in the 1st third, we find the foundations 
  • In the 2nd third, we find the Coupole 
  • In the last third, we see the Sky.  



 On this second photo, we can see very well how well Jeff respected the rule of thirds and this in the 9 boxes and with this rule, we are entitled to a photo that catches the eye from all sides. 

There is an extraordinary symmetry and the composition is simply magnificent. 

Jef Canton often works with reflections made by water, windows in buildings or even simple puddles. I have the chance to see the photos he took in his Instagram account and you can see all his passion in photography. 

It also often works with the filter called 《Point Color)  which I will talk about in another article. (Courtesy  Jef Canton  )



 The following photo was also taken respecting this grid.   It is also a photo of Jefcanton, a photo in 3: 4 format which most closely resembles the shape of the photo sensor. 

Well done Jeff ... and thanks for sharing. 


With the Grid



By respecting the Rule of Thirds, you get beautiful photos ... I hope the owners of these photos don't mind me for choosing them ... (Mea Culpa)

1st horizontal thirds = flower beds

2nd horizontal third = the Sun in twilight

3rd horizontal thirds = the Sky

1st vertical third = a flower bed, the sun and the clouds

2nd vertical third = a highlight on the path leading into the distance

3rd vertical third = a flower bed, a refraction of the sun and the clouds

Conclusion, if you understand better the Rules of Thirds, you will do spectacular pictures. Just click on them to enlarge and see how life is beautiful 


Special Thanks to Stephen Berthelot for sharing


The rule of thirds is therefore respected in all of those pictures



It is easy in this photo to see the different thirds of this photo


Lake Louise from Damien photography

Here, I had placed the 2 yellow flowers on intersection lines to attract the eye.


Do not be shy if you think you have a better definition of the Rule of Thirds

Tips and tricks you might not have thought of.

Good visit !!!

2 Replies
I've heard of this concept, but I never knew about it by name. It's amazing how the human brain works. Thanks!

Fascinating, thank you for explaining this!