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Fold/Flip 6 rumors and feedback!

(Topic created: 11-30-2023 11:54 AM)
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones

Samsung might be finally making an wider outer screen , YAY. 

I want the top 3 cameras that will be in the S24 U, then it will be perfect!
82 Replies
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Fold & Flip Phones

We appreciate your question. We canā€™t speculate on unreleased products or specs. However, stay tuned to our page here, or Samsung.com/us, for more information about upcoming products, releases, and news. Thanks for being a loyal Samsung fan!

Fold & Flip Phones
I don't think Samsung wants to sell the Galaxy Z Fold 6. They aren't making the screen wider to at least 6.4", they aren't making the battery to 5000 MaH, Samsung isn't changing the charging speed to 65W especially it being a foldable; and it's possible they might not have S Pen support. Samsung seems not to listen to the main things. And Samsung you don't have to boost up the price but, the customers like me rather you lower the prices. 
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Fold & Flip Phones
No one knows what the Fold 6 will have until it's released. All people are doing is guessing at the moment

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Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
Look for patents
Fold & Flip Phones
You do have a couple of credible people that be right. I think one is Ice Universe. Plus we know Samsungs track record of not doing what customers want. Samsung must not care what the customers want anymore about the foldables since the Fold 4.
Fold & Flip Phones
It's not about them not doing what customers want, people easily and quickly forget Samsung is a company and business at the end of the day, one of the world's biggest at that. They aren't going to make a device that gives the customer every single thing in one package rendering many of their other products that produce huge revenue for them, useless. For instance giving the z-fold 6 a nice huge outside screen, their newest cameras and an integrated S-Pen would make the S24 Ultra obsolete and sales would plummet to the ground as well as they would alienate the entire S24U fan base. Every company that has ended up competing with themselves has ultimately went bankrupt. Samsung knows this and you have to think of their decisions from the point of view of imagine you were the CEO of Samsung, would you Make a device that renders many of your other top selling devices that literally just came out a few months ago, no longer the main flagship? A business's main goal is to make as much money as they can while still maintaining a balanced of good customer relations. Currently Samsung is achieving this balance pretty good that is why you're not seeing big changes or any huge innovations. There's literally zero reason for them to do that and they would be throwing a wrench in their own smoothly running gears right now if they did do that.
Fold & Flip Phones
I don't agree with any of that nonsense. They won't go bankrupt. Do you see what the other foldables are offering. They get millions of dollars from us customers and pay for parts at a cheaper price. If we paying almost $2000.00 for a phone it needs to have everything we want. Especially when we know Samsung can do this. Samsung only does that mess because Apple showed them it's ok to mess over their customers by just doing incremental changes to their foldable phones. Now that One Plus, Xiaomi, Google, and a couple other brands are doing things and being competitive. Like a bigger battery, a 6.4" outer screen, and a 8 inch inner screen, no creases on the inner screen, up to 120 W charging things like that. For foldables Samsung especially needs faster charging being that the foldables have to run a bigger inner screen.If Samsung supposed to be the best they should have changed these things at the Z Fold 4. I kept my Z Fold 3 before they stopped being innovative like we know they can be. They will not loose money from the phone division. They have many more products. Also in all the phone companies I know the most expensive phone is the Flagship phone so what's to understand about the S24 Ultra being the Flagship phone. Man you can stop with this stuff spewing from you fingers typing. We know better. Tell Samsung to fix this mess.
Fold & Flip Phones
Hey man no need for any hostility, I'm a business owner and have been for the last 17 years, I have experience with starting from nothing to being a high value company. I am simply giving my thoughts on the reasoning for Samsung's decisions. I think it's foolish to think that they are so petty that they would do something like "learn from Apple to screw over their customers" think realistically man, we're talking billion dollar companies here. You think that's really the way they operate? They make a clear purpose for each model phone they come out with, you see it in all of their advertising. The z-fold is mainly a media consumption designed phone with a secondary of productivity. The S24 Ultra is the innovative and flagship flex your muscles device and all of their other models also have clear purpose, mid-range, entry level, etc. Making one phone that rules them all in the high end market is an obvious wrong move from a business perspective. They're not going to do it You can beg or protest all you want but it's not happening. You seem to be unable to see it from a business perspective which is a perspective Samsung looks at it as. Sure they want to give the best they possibly can but if they're revenue decreases from it then it was a bad move no matter how happy you may be. That's the point I was trying to make but if you are unable to think logically about the situation and instead just stomp your feet and demand what you want when you want it, then go for it buddy. Go buy one of those Chinese phones you claim are so impressive, why even make a scene here? It's not hard to switch phones. Why does Samsung have to change their proven success model for you? You don't make sense at all. They will change things when they feel the pros outweigh the cons, until then all you're doing is complaining to deaf ears. Just go get the so much better Chinese foldables you listed it's a simple solution. Google isn't competitive btw, The pixel fold was a complete flop and a disaster. You're only other choice is Chinese with OnePlus/Oppo, xiaomi, and other Chinese manufacturers. This is as respectful as I can say it, I'm not here to argue, so take care and have a great day
Fold & Flip Phones
What are you talking about hostility. I'm just simply telling the truth. I would buy a Chinese phone if I liked their OS, if they came with water resistance, and if I wasn't so used to Samsung. They've been doing things because Apple does it. Look at the Presentation Samsung does. Following Apple. No charger in the box. No IR blaster, and other things. They did change their proven success by changing some of the things they had before. I've been with Samsung for years, and so many customers want the things they've taken away. I respect you being a business man but I refuse to believe that Samsung shouldn't give us everything we want in a foldable especially with them charging a hair away from $2000.00. You may need to watch some phone reviews on YouTube. You have a great day as well.
Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
I understood there were three varieties of the Fold 6.