Original topic:

Buds Pro, Buds3 Pro detect songs as call

(Topic created: 12-02-2024 03:29 PM)
Galaxy Buds
Just got the Galaxy Buds3 Pros a while ago by trading in my Buds Pros, and they both share the same annoying problem (not sure if other models also have it).
For some reason, on extremely random days when I try to change the media volume through my phone's volume buttons, the volume bar changes but it doesn't change the volume at all, not even if I put it on zero or full.
Just today I thought maybe. I could use the pinch controls and maybe that might do something, and as soon as I used the pinch controls, the volume slider that appeared was a call volume slider, and surprisingly changing the call volumes changed the earbud volume. It seems that the buds think my spotify songs are a call?! And because of that, the sound quality also drops significantly. And without using pinch controls, there's no way to access the call volume since the phone doesn't detect me being on a call, only the buds do. I thought actually making a call and then dropping it will solve this, but I ended up discovering an even bigger problem - the other person couldn't hear me AT ALL, even though I could hear them. Even after disconnecting the call, it didn't fix anything at all. This isn't a device specific problem, as I used Buds Pros with S22 Ultra, and these Buds3 Pros I have an S24 ultra and in both of these combinations I faced the same issue. 
Disconnecting and reconnecting doesn't work. And I don't want to reset my buds every few days just to solve this one annoying problem when I need to use my buds. I have no idea how this gets rectified but after not using them for a while (a day or two) they work just fine the next time I connect them. It's an extremely annoying issue, and I think only a software update can do something about this? Both my phone and buds are on the latest software currently.

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello, Welcome to the Community. We understand how frustrating volume concerns are when using your earbuds.

This link provides several steps to troubleshoot volume issues. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01111323/

Factory resetting the buds should correct the volume concerns. When doing so, we recommend uninstalling the Wearable app and plug-in, and restarting the phone before reconnecting the earbuds. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01218103

We also recommend submitting an error report to provide the data to Samsung. https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692

If you continue to experience poor volume, service is recommended for the buds. 

You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S.: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/location or by calling customer support at 1-800-726-7864.

For service outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html.

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2 Replies
Galaxy Buds

I am also facing same issue

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello, Welcome to the Community. We understand how frustrating volume concerns are when using your earbuds.

This link provides several steps to troubleshoot volume issues. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01111323/

Factory resetting the buds should correct the volume concerns. When doing so, we recommend uninstalling the Wearable app and plug-in, and restarting the phone before reconnecting the earbuds. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01218103

We also recommend submitting an error report to provide the data to Samsung. https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692

If you continue to experience poor volume, service is recommended for the buds. 

You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S.: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/location or by calling customer support at 1-800-726-7864.

For service outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html.
