Original topic:

AOD to "Wallpaper" to Home Screen

(Topic created: Wednesday)
Galaxy S Phones
Okay, yesterday I had to use a security code to update a saved password in Google, right. I do not have a lockout pin, or pattern on my phone because I didn't like to mess with that too get into my phone. 

So, after I did what I needed to do, I lost my "Wallpaper" screen that had always come after tapping my AOD before getting to my Home Screen. I cannot figure out how to get it back again as I always had been able to. I hope I explained what my pickle :cucumber: is.

The screenshot shows: left pic=Wallpaper / right pic=Home Screen w/app icons. How to get my Wallpaper back to SWYPE to get to Home Screen?

I hope this helps


7 Replies
Galaxy S Phones
Try this. 1719446154952.jpg1719446154999.jpg1719446155059.jpg
Galaxy S Phones
Oh man, thank you for your suggestion I think I had actually missed that in troubleshooting. However, it was already checked as both. I did toggle back and forth you see if that changed anything and it did not. I also remembered about Goodllock and so I opened that and saw that I had the lock screen turned off and so I was happy thinking i fixed it but it didn't.

I changed the luck screen picture thinking a change might kick it in but that didn't woik either. I must have hit someone inadvertently to have this happen but what I have no idea

I use the lock screen after tapping the AOD and HOLDING my thumb on it to keep that light while I walk in the dark as one reason I like the lock screen. Plus after taping the AOD I like seeing the lock screen before going straight to the home page. I'm kinda upset it's gone and hope to fix this. 1719447297520.jpg1719447333445.jpg
Neutron Star
Galaxy S Phones
I don't understand, can't you just long press on the left image and then change the wallpaper? Or click on the change wallpaper title snd chhose you wallpaper and select where you want it applied? Or is that not working for you?
Galaxy S Phones
Yes, that does work for me in order to set whatever I want for a lock screen. The trouble I was having was for some unknown reason my lock screen stopped showing up. I would tap my AOD and just this morning instead of going to lock screen it went straight to home screen. Weird.

But actually before I saw your question I stumbled on something that fixed it. Whether or not that was what did I'll never know for sure because what I did made no sense to have anything to do with making it reappear. Thank you for commenting on trying to assist. šŸ˜‰
Galaxy S Phones
Well, I FIXED IT!!! I'm wicked happy, but really, I don't think what I did was the real reason it fixed it, but nevertheless it did work.

Here's how I did it, first I cleared cache in a few places (long after I did the partition thing. Then I went back to lock screen page in settings, but this time i changed the "frame" setting from frame to none. Aye, for some reason or other it woiked. I dunno really, but I am happy as I really, really like looking at my "wallpaper" without all the apps on it before getting my home page with apps

Pic on the right is what my lock screen looks like which I like very much. 1719460000967.jpg1719460000985.jpg1719460001008.jpg
Galaxy S Phones
Oh, by removing the frame to "none" shouldn't have made any difference at all, because it's always worked the way it was- with a frame.

I'm only thinking that by toggling it kinda kicked it's butt into fixing itself. Who knows. I'm just thrilled that I have my straight-up wallpaper back (or lock screen). I would've thought the AOD screen would be called the lock screen because it kinda is "locked." But who am I, right? Lol
Neutron Star
Galaxy S Phones
Yeah, the extra lock screen never made sense to me, since the phone licks when it times out. Should more aptly name it the privacy screen.

Most likely it was clearing the cache that unconfused it.